Got Kids? Don’t Let Them Cramp Your Style

I constantly hear my clients with families say “I want a grown up space, but I don’t want my kids to ruin it. Help!” I’m here to tell you these two things are not mutually exclusive.  I feel like I have some credibility here, as I have 3 sons, and soon to be 6 kids total. You can have a beautiful, inspiring space, AND a busy household. Let me tell you how. 

How to Design with Kids in Mind

  1. Consider their age- Baby/toddler is very different from elementary age and preteen. And yet, do not pick out materials you won’t love down the line simply because you think you can’t have “sharp corners” with a 3 year old. We want to procure materials that last. 

  2. If they’re in kindergarten and older, bring them in on the design- Some of my best ideas have been sparked from a younger kid’s thoughts and observations! Focus on flexibility and materials that can grow with each child. 

  3. Functionality matters- Where do people congregate? Where do they relax and read? Every family is different. Storage will be key. I love a modular sofa and built-ins. Don’t waste space!

  4. Be selective with materials- Consider durability and performance materials, and remember these do not need to limit style and beauty. FYI I’ve got the best stain remover out there; it removed red lipstick that was drawn all over a cream rocking chair! 

  5. Source antiques. They don’t make things like they used to. I have a 100 year old rug in my living room sourced from an estate sale- it’s developed a beautiful patina and has survived 3 young boys the last 12 years.

Do you still have remaining hesitations? Reach out and let's talk it through.


Wait! Is that Actually an Antique?


Let’s Get Serious: Adding Purple to Your Space