How to Incorporate Swedish Death Cleaning into Design

Have you heard of the newest craze called Swedish Death Cleaning?

Perhaps the name is a bit morbid, but it’s the process of decluttering and organizing your home before you die so your loved ones aren’t burdened with the job. This theory can be applied to basic design too! As a designer builds a floor plan and procures materials, you can be thoughtful with items you keep and curate, donating items that just don’t matter to you and take up space. Think of it as a form of minimalism. 

Here are the main tenets of Swedish Death Cleaning:

  1. Go through clothing first. 

  2. Move photos to digital.

  3. Declutter larger items before moving to smaller ones. 

  4. Whatever you don’t love, get rid of.

  5. Start now, whatever age you’re at!

What do you think? Is this something you’re interested in trying?


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