Spring Cleaning: You Don’t Need to Dread It!

There may still be snow on the ground, but you can’t deny the sun is getting warmer and the days are getting longer. Spring is a great time to clear out the clutter and give your home a refresh. Breaking it down into small manageable steps will help keep the overwhelm to a minimum. I even started the list for you! Check it out below. 

Spring Cleaning Checklist:

  1. Clean under furniture and rugs. 

  2. Address the window treatments; wash or dry-clean fabric, dust blinds/shutters. 

  3. Clean under large appliances. 

  4. Clean out the fridge and freezer. 

  5. Really get at that oven.

  6. Dust and wash vent covers. 

  7. Dust and clean the top of kitchen cabinets. 

  8. Clean mattresses and pillows-I love the mattress cleaner from Norwex. 

  9. Clean that drain-baking soda, then vinegar down the drain. 

  10. Now the closets-make a pile to donate, and consider investing in cedar hang ups (to repel mice and moths) and velvet hangers. 

  11. Tackle all window surfaces and inside the sills. 

Try doing 2-3 a week and employ the kids if you have them!

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