Curtains: Love Them or Leave Them?

You’ve maybe heard the saying “window treatments are the earrings of the room.” Or perhaps “When the curtains are drawn, there’s something going on.” Either way, they not only help make a space comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, but also serve functional purposes, such as blocking out cold/hot air and natural light. Curtains add dimension and texture to a room, but if done incorrectly, can appear too heavy, block significant light, make a room feel smaller, and collect dust. 

So wait, am I advocating for curtains or not? Let me explain. In my opinion, location and room function are hugely influential on the selection of window treatments. On the first floor, I prefer to keep windows as naked as possible. This is where we cook, entertain, and most people want their spaces as light and airy as possible. Additionally, if you’re using dark paint in a room on the first floor, that hue will help absorb excess natural light coming in, reducing the need for curtains. If some privacy or warmth is desired, I’d reach for bamboo shades, plantation shutters, or wood blinds first. It’s in the bedrooms where the true need for a dramatic, cozy element comes in, while also providing the necessary privacy and warmth. 

When it comes to choosing a color theme for the curtains, there are certain things to keep in mind. If you want a light and airy feel, go one shade lighter than the wall color. For a sophisticated look, go darker than the walls. For a cohesive, modern look, match curtains to the walls. 

Where do you have curtains currently in your house? How are they working for you? 

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