Recluttering: Changing your View Towards Clutter

It’s incredible how I can have a perfectly organized home until my kids come home. Suddenly, destruction abounds. I’ve managed to overcome some of this overwhelm over the years by employing a few strategies, which I’ll get into below. But first a suggestion for you to consider: try renaming the process “recluttering”. Really! It helps to shift our relationship with our things to a more conscious one. For example, those books and legos, if you have kids, belong over there on that desk. Likewise, those family heirlooms belong on that shelf or table top or wall. It’s essentially a reintroduction of our belongings and an antithesis to the minimalist movement. 

On to the strategies…

  1. Go room to room. Stand in each corner to get all the views. Pick things up off the floor unless they add to the energy you want to preserve. 

  2. Assess what you have and curate with care.

  3. Add furniture, shelves and baskets for storage and display. Hiding things away in closets and drawers isn’t always practical.

  4. Remember that your belongings add character and texture to your space. Your home is not a showroom.

Need more guidance? I can help! Contact me via my website.


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