Did You Hire the Right Designer for Your Remodel?

There are numerous pros and cons to remodeling your home. You can increase your home’s value, intentionally create the space you want, and incorporate energy-saving options. On the other hand, you’ll most likely be living in a construction zone for a while, and the timeline and cost may not go according to plan. Therefore, it’s crucial to have the right design team at your disposal. 

A bathroom remodel I took on this year initially began with me drawing the design, then evolved into me also taking on a project management role. The photos below are of my floor plan, a 3D image, and a rendering, all of which are valuable documents that can be handed to a contractor to follow. In this case, no walls were being moved, so an architect was not needed.

This particular client had been ghosted by a contractor or two in the recent past. She needed a crew she could trust to show up, do the job right, and stay on budget. I obtained a referral from an architect colleague for an available contractor, and bid out the necessary subcontractors. I was able to bring a reliable team to her, schedule them at appropriate times, and be the middlewoman as this project unfolded. It wasn’t without hiccups of course, but communication, trust, and respect kept everyone moving forward in a professional way.

So how do you know you’ve got the right designer for your project? Take a look at the tips below. 

  1. The designer listens to you and you intrinsically know you can trust them.

  2. The design is complete before construction begins, and it’s the design you want.

  3. The contractor and designer work well together and have an established relationship.

  4. The designer leads the project and encourages the contractor, designer herself, and you as the client to communicate, communicate, and over communicate. 

  5. The designer trusts and respects the contractor.

  6. The designer is realistic about the impact of design changes and the cost of labor and materials. 

  7. The designer’s main goal is to exceed your expectations.

How do you find this type of designer? I recommend google searches, personal referrals, and local social media groups. Also, interviewing several designers before choosing one will raise the chances you find the perfect fit for you and your project. 

Do you have a remodel you’ve been wanting to start? If so, what is it?

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