How to Soundproof Your Rooms

Is there an echo in here or is it just me? Sometimes rooms feel empty and like a catch-all for noise. Have you ever experienced that? Usually, it’s because of not enough decor and furniture to absorb all that racket.

Here are some tips below to soundproof your rooms:

  1. Bring in more soft goods, like drapes and pillows.

  2. Get a rug that is the correct size for the room and/or use multiple rugs.

  3. In a bedroom, consider an upholstered bed and headboard.

  4. Integrate wall art and tapestries. 

  5. Consider using cork board behind your wallpaper.

  6. If you’re doing construction, examine potential noise coming through heating/ac ducts, door gaps, windows, and flooring. Install a closet by the noisiest part of the room. 

Do you need to soundproof your rooms? If so, which one of these tips do you plan to try?


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