Taste vs. Trends: Staying Timeless and Unique to You

It’s easy to get sucked into the current fad, especially with Instagram “click and buy” accounts. While I don’t want my clients going high on every piece (not necessary or practical), I also don't approve of investing in low-tier pieces simply to stay on-trend.

Essentially, I don’t want my clients’ homes to look like a magazine cut-out and you don’t want that either!

What we want is to develop taste, which is what is authentic to you and what you resonate with, as well as a design style that is curated, intentional, personal. I’m really good at that; check out my website portfolio and my Instagram account.

Some things you can do:

  1. Figure out what your taste is. If you are stumbling, a designer can help you. 

  2. Ask yourself some questions: How do I want to function in this home? How do I want it to function for me? What am I interested in? Do I collect art or other objects? What cultures/time periods do I respond to? What are my personal values? 

  3. Start small: what piece did I come across that I can’t stop thinking about that just feels so “like me?” Art, accessories, rug, a chair, lamp, etc. 

  4. Consider the time period of the home. 

  5. Get cultural: travel, read design and architectural magazines, go to museums, etc. Get off social media!

  6. Key word: Synthesis

What do you think? Have you developed your own individual taste? My takeaway: Don’t follow the crowd! 


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