Sustainable Design: Don’t Be Afraid!

Green living is taking over the design and architectural world. Call it a fad if you must; as long as it exists, it benefits our planet. 

Most clients think they have to drop a ton of money to transform their homes to becoming more environmentally friendly. Not true! While replacing windows and doors might cost big bucks, there are other less expensive steps you can take to support our Earth and lower your bills. 

How to make your home more sustainable:

  1. Avoid trends: Hire a designer who creates a space that is meaningful to you so you’re not redecorating every few years. 

  2. Reduce waste: Look to nature for inspiration and reupholster antiques and furniture you already have.

  3. Source local if you can instead of shipping materials from overseas.

  4. Protect our ozone layer by reaching for VOC-free paint.

  5. Minimize your negative ecological impact by picking natural fibers for upholstery and rugs where possible. 

  6. Choose sustainable materials like biodegradable cleaning supplies, organic linens, reusable food storage, bamboo tooth and hair brushes, refillable floss, reusable makeup remover pads, etc. 

  7. Use less energy: Consider incorporating LED lights, heated floors, aerated faucets, an induction cooktop, automated shades, and light sensors.

  8. Take a look at your systems: Look into a heat pump, recycle gray water, solar panels.

  9. Learn about third-party certifications in sustainability. 

Whatever change you can commit to makes a difference!


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