Help! Where Do I Put My Living Room TV?

TVs are a common fixture in living and family rooms, but they don’t have to be the center of attention. Please don’t think your only option is to hang it above a fireplace either!

Determine a focal point, whether it’s a fireplace, windows, art, or built-ins, minimize the tv’s appearance using the steps below, and be intentional about using the room for connection with others. 

Here are some ideas for where and where not to hang your TV:

  1. Do consider hanging it adjacent to a focal point

  2. Never display it across from windows due to glares

  3. Consider concealed storage

  4. Add art or a gallery wall around the TV

  5. Create built-in shelving around the TV

  6. Tuck it to the side, not dominating the room 

  7. Display it off-center on a swivel mount

  8. Have it blend into background with dark paint

  9. Build a recessed wall for display 

  10. Consider The Frame TV

Have you considered any of these options? What are your thoughts?

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