5 Signs it’s Time to Redesign Your Master Bedroom

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary. I’ve heard that bedrooms should be used for only sleep and sex, so it’s important both of these activities are induced and supported (if you participate in the latter, of course). Mood is deeply affected by the design of a space. Moreover, if you’re looking to sell one day, maximizing your home's value is likely a goal.

On to the 5 signs:

  1. You’re getting bored. 

    Feeling uninspired? Even a mini makeover can create a huge impact; think new curtains/shades, swapping out artwork, a fresh coat of paint, new rug or bedding, while keeping much of the same furniture and maintaining the structure of the room.

  2. You need more space.

    Considering some construction, like a walk -in closet, larger bathroom, bumping out walls of the bedroom, etc.? An architect and interior designer can support you through this process, while honoring the integrity of the home and your style preferences. 

  3. It feels outdated. 

    Perhaps previous color and decor decisions were made based on past trends that didn’t stand the test of time. I like to incorporate old and new materials and avoid fads. This can be accomplished by only buying what you love, and displaying items that feel like “you.”

  4. Decor and furniture are getting old and beat up. 

    Have animals or children been rough with furniture, decor, wallpaper? All great reasons for a refresh that can transform your mood and space.

  5. You’re selling and want to increase your home’s value. 

    Creating a space that is inviting, comfortable, and functional will aid in getting the offer you want when it’s time to sell. This can include updating the bathroom and lighting, installing a closet system, and adding a work-from-home space.

Did any of these signs stand out to you? Is it time to redesign your master bedroom?

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What to consider when combining new and old materials into your space.

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