Where Should You Travel Based on Your Design Style?

Have you ever wondered where in the world your design style resonates? Here’s an in-blog quiz to determine where you should travel based on your preferences.

This can be a fun approach and helpful jumping-off point to determine preferences before beginning a design project.

Take a look at each of these groups of photos. Which colors, textures, and patterns are you most drawn to? Pick one set, then scroll down to receive your answer.





If you answered A, you should travel to France. Your style is cool, chic, and timeless. Time to book a flight overseas; au revoir!

If you chose set B, you should head to Morocco. You are drawn to rich color, intricate textures, uneven design lines. You’d be at home wandering through a souk in Marrakech.

If you chose the photos in C, England is where you should book a ticket to next. Your style is regal, traditional, vintage. You’d feel deep inspiration touring Buckingham Palace. 

If you answered D, Spain is calling your name. You are drawn to stucco, colorful tile, stone fireplaces, rich colorful rugs. The historic architecture in Barcelona awaits. 

Did your answers feel right? Were you surprised?

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