Christmas Trees the Kids (or Grandkids) Won’t Destroy

My mom used to give my siblings and I these beautiful Christopher Radko Christmas ornaments each year growing up. We kept them in a box, and when we moved out the box went with us to our new homes to decorate our own trees with.

I made the mistake of getting these precious ornaments out when my kids were too young, and countless ones were broken. Maddening! Don’t be like me: keep the nice ornaments in storage until they’re old enough.

So how to decorate the tree when there will be young kids and hands around this holiday season? Get them involved.

  1. Have them string popcorn and cranberries and hang it up.

  2. Have them display their homemade ornaments or ones they made at school.

  3. Hang candy canes on the tree.

  4. Use classic white lights and keep it simple, beautiful, and authentic to your family in its current season.

  5. Another idea is to have a kid tree in the playroom or bedroom (fake!), and a more classic and “adult” tree in the main entertaining area. This is if they aren’t handsy and roll around wrestling from room to room like my 3 boys.

I want to see your kid friendly trees! Email me at

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