How to Design a Beautiful Entryway

Walk this way!

The entryway is the first thing people see when they step foot inside your home. It should create a moment, and set the stage for what they’ll see beyond the doorway. 

Here are some tips below on how to achieve just that:

  1. Get rid of the clutter- use baskets and shelving as needed 

  2. Be brave artistically- feature a great piece of artwork, dramatic plantscaping, unexpected color or textures

  3. Good lighting- enough of it, with a dimmer

  4. Make it functional- is there a place to sit and take shoes off and on, a place to drop keys and mail, a place to hang coats? 

  5. Make it proportional- that entry rug better be the right size

  6. Make it personal- family heirlooms, photos, a favorite candle, flowers

  7. Don’t forget a mirror!

What do you have in your entryway already? Which tips will you incorporate after reading this?

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