Update your furniture like a pro

Why buy an entire new piece of furniture when you can refurbish what you already have, especially if it’s a family heirloom or antique? Repainting, refinishing, reupholstering, or repurposing old furniture is not only sustainable, but surprisingly affordable.

Wakefield MKE is a local women-owned business who have mastered this process. Take a look and some befores and afters below of their work. The top example is a piece they did for me.

Like new, right? Here’s where to find them and more of their beautiful work:

Christine Burke-Duecker is another local business owner who does gorgeous work reupholstering furniture. An example of a chair she updated for one of my clients is below.

Isn’t she talented? She only works by referral, so send me an email if you’d like her contact info.

When it comes to pulling together a room, I tell clients I like using what they have if it’s in good condition, of good quality, and holds meaning. We can then update pieces as needed. This approach ultimately saves money and our planet. 

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What to consider when combining new and old materials into your space.

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