How to Style Your Coffee Table Like a Pro

A coffee table is often said to be the centerpiece of a room, and is one of the first things people see when they enter a room. Do you struggle with what to put on it?

Check out these 6 tips below that will help you feel like a design professional in no time.

  1. Bring on some green. A beautiful plant or vase of flowers can help make your setup more authentic and less staged.

  2. Layer personal objects or collections, and display what you love and use: board games, books, magazines, conversational pieces, etc. 

  3. Try organizing items in quadrants for square tables, and in a triangle for round tables.

  4. Consider a tray for organization. 

  5. Position items at different heights to add dimension and interest, such as placing items atop stacked books. 

  6. Don’t over clutter! Maintain space for guests to place their glass, plate or other personal items.

It’s important to think about what you use your coffee table for as you put it all together. Our goal is to ensure it’s functional as well as beautiful and inspired.

Check out my free resource below!

What to consider when combining new and old materials into your space.

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