The 25 Best Indoor Plants that Don’t Need Much Light

Wanting to fill your home with more plants? Have a lot of dimly lit areas in your home? I have a list of plants for you that fit the bill. 

When shopping, you want to focus on tropical plants. Why? In the jungle, these plants thrived in plenty of shade provided by tall trees, vines, and leaves. Tall buildings and trees in other climates can serve the same purpose, shielding these household plants from hot, direct sunlight. The best part? They won’t need as much water as your other plants. 

Here they are:

  1. ZZ Plant

  2. Pothos

  3. Snake Plant

  4. Prayer Plant

  5. Bird’s Nest Fern 

  6. Monstrera

  7. Oyster Plant

  8. Staghorn Fern

  9. Creeping Fig

  10. Baby Rubber Plant

  11. Lucky Bamboo

  12. Aglaomena

  13. English Ivy

  14. Spider Plant

  15. Bromeliads

  16. Nerve Plant

  17. Rattlesnake Plant

  18. Dracaena

  19. Jewel Orchid

  20. Dancing Bones Cactus

  21. Peace Lily

  22. Rex Begonia

  23. Kokodama

  24. Red Anthurium

  25. Heart Leaf Philodentron

Some of my favorite online shops to buy from are The Sill, Etsy, and Terrain, but you can find these tropical plants at local nurseries or even Home Depot. 

If you’re looking to be inspired endlessly by indoor plant design, check out Hilton Carter’s instagram page. He also wrote a gorgeous book, Wild at Home. 

Find him here:

What kinds of plants do you have in your home? 

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