Two Delicious Drinks to Serve Guests this Holiday

What is this crazy weather? Time for a cocktail. Whether you’re hosting this holiday or snowed in somewhere, here are two of my favorite drinks to serve friends and family (and myself).

The Hot Toddy is a winter classic at my home, and can even help to treat a cold. Feel free to NOT measure anything, throw your hot water in the mug and microwave it, then add the rest of the listed ingredients. Keep it simple. Enjoy!

Hot Toddy

3/4 cup hot water

2 oz. Bourbon

2 tsp. honey

1/2 lemon for fresh lemon juice

1 lemon round for garnish

1 cinnamon stick for garnish

The French 75 I like to drink all year round, and can be edited for the winter season by adding cranberries as a garnish. It’s fresh and sophisticated, with a bubbly and citrusy flavor. Note that I do not use simple syrup. Best served in a champagne flute or, my preference, champagne coup glass.

French 75

1 oz. gin

1/2 lemon for fresh lemon juice

top off the rest of the glass with a dry champagne

1 lemon twist and cranberries as a garnish

Begin with the gin, squeeze the 1/2 lemon in, then top with Champagne. Add the garnish and enjoy!

Stay safe and warm, and hug your loved ones tight this holiday season!

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