Want to Beautify Your Space? Read this.

Have you ever noticed your mood when you walk into a messy or uninspired space? If it’s an area that’s creatively lacking, I find myself losing interest and energy. A phrase I often tell my kids is “When your environment is chaotic, your brain is chaotic.” 

Creativity is nourished and fed by beauty. A study by neuroscientist Elizabeth Gould asserts that pleasing environments produce more neurons in the brain, while unattractive ones essentially slow the brain’s processing functions down. Herein lies the importance of designing and decorating a space that inspires you and uplifts your mood.

Some questions to ask yourself as you walk through your environment:

  1. What here is draining me? What here is dull? Take note.

  2. What is giving me a rush of joy, peace or inspiration? Consider making this a focal point.

  3. What does this space need to feel more inspired? This is where a designer can step in and help. Assess your lighting, paint color/wallpaper, rugs, as well as the 3 P’s: plants, pillows, pictures.

As a former Licensed Counselor and now a Certified Interior Decorator and designer, I am incredibly tuned-in to what feelings an environment brings forth, and how to transform it so it exudes the energy you've been searching for. 

How does your space make you feel when you enter it? Does it need a set a of expert creative eyes on it?

Check out my free resource below!

What to consider when combining new and old materials into your space.

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